Expat guidance
Hello expats!! A new adventure has begun and now you are looking for a new home.
Buying a house is a big thing in life, especially for people who are not originally from the Netherlands. We do understand what very well. We know what you can encounter when you want to buy a home in the Netherlands. Every country has different rules and legislation, and every era has different building standards – we know what to look after. Which place or residential area suits you best? Do you want to live in and what part of town, and is that nice and safe neighborhood?
Every professional has his own specialty – our specialty is assisting expats with the purchase or sale of houses. We understand how important it is to be well informed – about the neighborhood, about accessibility, a child-friendly environment, or possibilities for renovation. We support you with, additional market information and data, so that you can make the right decision for a home that best suits you.
Team Overduyn

Need expat guidance?
Buying a property
Buying a home is a complicated process for most people. As an expat you will have to deal with different rules, different architectural styles and Dutch legislation. It is therefore important to be assisted by a professional who will be your eyes and ears, someone who will help you through the process and who can avoid costly mistakes. We purchased 120 homes for our customers last year. We are also happy to help you purchase a home properly and safely.
In the guidance we support you with market-data, knowhow and commonsense. You may expect us to give the necessary insights on the following subjects:
- Information about the near facilities
- Nearest shops
- Public transport
- Sports facilities
- Schools
- The technical condition of the house
- What does the roof look like
- What is the quality of the window frames
- Deviations in the electrical installation
- Sanitary facilities
- If necessary, we recommend that additional research be carried out by means of a structural inspection
- We provide insight with market information:
- Reference homes
- Appraisal value currently
- Value development in the past
- The status of the Owners’ Association
- Is there a multi-year maintenance plan
- Are the finances in order?
If you would like to know more about our working method, please touch our office and schedule an introductory appointment. We are happy to explain more about our services and our added value to the purchase of your life!
Make an appointment without obligation to analyze your situation – a free consult with one of our real estate agents!
Please get in touch with our team at: info@overduyn.nl or 030-688 45 35
The purchasing process
Call to action:
It’s important to have the preparations done right. A purchasing process is a journey we do together. In the preparatory phase, we not only look at your basic requirements, but we also carefully have your (financial) position checked – therefor we collaborate with advisors who have been specialized in mortgages for expats. The better the preparations are being done, the greater the chance of success. Decent planning is everything.
In the process we see the following steps:
- We select houses, based on your requirements – and you make a selection from it.
- We take care of scheduling a viewing appointment.
- During the viewing, we walk you through the house and explain about improvements, sustainability and maintenance.
- When you are enthusiastic and want to continue, we will start with further research.
- Ultimately, we come up with an advice – and if you feel comfortable with that, we will make an offer on your behalf.
Approximately 75% of our buying customers have succeed within 5 months – and we strive every day to be even better than yesterday.